So after having a semi blissful week off uni today was the day where I had to go back! After having a week off I wanted another week to just relax and this time not have to rush to do an essay due the Middle of your week off…. Also did I say every other school has two weeks off……
Anyway luckily on Monday I’m not in till half twelve so I have time for a lie in! This is all well and good but today decided to go in early cause GOT was on last night and I wanted an hour to watch it….. I know I have my priorities straight! I have an essay due Thursday that I haven’t even looked at yet! But anyway this was my plan!
After a semi relaxing morning I set off in high spirits even if it was a Monday and I was back in uni! The rain had cleared up so was lovely and sunny, today was going to be a good day. That is until I got to the train station! There were no times up for the next train but this has happened before so I went down to the platform only to read that due to a power failure the train was out between whitfords and Stirling. To get a replacement bus…. I detest replacement buses! Anyway back up I went to see the doors closing on the replacement bus! Luckily one of the transperth people stopped him and the doors were opened to let me on! I thought ok not too bad it’s not rush hour will probably be at Stirling before I know it….
I was wrong! Firstly the start of the journey was windy and me who gets sick if I’m facing the wrong way in the train, sea sick and sometimes even car sick, this was not good! Oh did I mention there were no seats so I was standing! Holding on to pole for dear life, with shoes that have no grip on whatsoever! So it was a very bad sign! I was slipping and sliding all over the place, holding on to this pole with two hands and still was being shoved all around the place cause everyone else who was standing were being slid all around. Finally we hit the straight roads(the windy  bit is only in the train station) and thought I would be fine but no there was a guy in front of me blocking the front view so I was stuck looking out the door window and made me feel ill!
Coming up to the highway the bus driver took the wrong turn so instead of heading to perth we would be heading in the opposite direction to Joondalup….. Not a good thing! So instead of getting on the highway and turning ant the next exit the bus driver decided to do a highly illegal u turn, right turn thing a Ma jig…… Out into oncoming traffic…….
Ok it wasn’t as dramatic he did wait for a gap between cars but still! My life flashed before my eyes as I was flung against the pole.
When we finally reached Stirling, fifteen minutes after we were meant to be there we then had to run for dear life for the next train! On all the signs it said next train in twenty-five minutes so we were all huffing and puffing about having to wait we were going to be late for doctors appointments, uni, the beach etc. Another train had pulled up at this time and hundred ps of people poured out all heading up one set of stairs, the stairs we were heading down. So we were jostled down, I had to tag on again so not sure if I tagged on or off cause I was already tagged on in Warwick but anyway they wouldn’t let me pass until I tagged on again. With the hundreds of people going through two places it was rather cramped so I didn’t even get to read the screen to see if it was on or off!
Jostled down these stairs we heard an announcement that the train to Perth was leaving now so we then had to run down these stairs, make sure we got on the right train and finally head off to Perth…….
Now cause of this confusion they put extra trains on, a good thing cause who would want to wait another twenty-five minutes for another trina? A bad thing cause we had to keep stopping in the middle of the tracks for the train up ahead to leave etc……
When we arrived in Perth I had to run to catch the fremantle train with four minutes on the clock and this being a four-minute walk I set off, not running cause I would probably keel over before I got to the train! But instead power walking and I made the train with a minute to spare! Well chuffed I boarded and began to type this. So looks like I will not have time to watch GoT but instead will be awkwardly early for my lecture…..
Such a good day ruined cause of silly trains! I swear I get all the luck when it comes to trains! Hoping that the problem is fixed when I am heading home! Might actually do work for this assignment now that I don’t have time for GOT! Wish me luck guys I need it! Well that or another week off…….