Noble Falls


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Yes today we visited a place by the name of you guessed it! Noble falls! I know weird name but anyway! We decided to go on a last-minute, spur of the moment drive. Drive, not walk in the bush drive. I feel necessary to point this out as I was in an unsuitable outfit! Now in my defence my wardrobe over here is very limited! Even more so now that it is hotter. I have dresses, both maxi and short plus my maxi skirts. I have two pairs of jeans and a pair of three-quarter lengths. Now my shoes are flip-flops or White canvas shoes. I am limited in the clothes I can wear to do stuff ie walking etc. exploring the bush, fine no problem in a dress, a slight problem!

As a result of me listing out the items of clothing available to me, a semi excuse for me wearing a pair of flip-flops and a dress to go on this drive. Which ended up being a wander in the bush, a short wander though as Holly complained that it was too hot. Jamie is an exploring child! He didn’t have a care in the world and was pottering around the place.

The views of course were amazing! Yes I do have pictures! I have been semi good at taking pictures seen as I always get in trouble for not taking any! So no when I get home you will all have a years worth of pictures to be subjected too!

Thats it really! We had snacks up there a mini picnic for ourselves. We explored, took pictures(me mostly, I had to take extra pictures as I couldn’t see the screen of my iPod with my sunglasses on. So extra shots were needed to ensure I actually got a good picture!) we totally seen a fallen tree that looked like a dragon! Holly discovered that. So she just wanted to stay there!

The falls are usually bigger(obviously when there is rain and such) as it is summer though the stream had dried up a smidge so all that was left is a small trickle of a water fall. Much pretty though! We could actually walk along the rock(as most of it was dry). The stream went down and created a couple of waterfalls! Alas I do not have a good picture of the waterfalls as a huge family decided it was time to swim/stand on or near the water so any pictures would have included them. Also it would be weird me taking a picture of a random family, in their bathers, so yea no picture of that!

Life is quiet here! I am still reading my through Louise’s bookshelves, I’m getting there! Frozen was watched again today! Yes I still know all the words to the songs! Otherwise that’s it from me! Just a small post to inform you of my mini adventure today!

Christmas in the land down under!


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HAPPY CHRISTMAS(Or holidays so not to offend anyone). I know, I know, technically it is no longer Christmas it is now Boxing Day, but it is still Christmas in America so that counts! I was supposed to do this post yesterday but I never got around to it! Christmas in Australia was an experience let me tell you!

So although Christmas has come and gone, I still haven’t experienced a Christmas feeling! The sunshine is putting it off I think! Sun and Christmas is just not a proper combination! I still had an awesome Christmas though! For once I was not woken up at ridiculous o clock in the morning(yay), saying that I was awake all on my own accord at 7, so that didn’t really make much a difference. The difference was it was sunny when I woke up! I stayed in bed a little bit longer though cause I could! When I eventually got up, santas presents were already unwrapped by Holly and Jamie and they were in the midst of playing with them. After opening up my presents(my awesome Christmas presents from Louise) I got breakfast and it was time to go to the beach.

Well Holly wanted to play with her dress up(I got her an elsa dress, Dave got her an Anna dress), play with her dolls(Anna and elsa dolls) and make bracelets to go with her dresses. I think Frozen was in everybody’s house this Christmas! After an hour we eventually left the house(see mam and dad it’s not just us that constantly runs late) and we were on the way to the beach…on Christmas… the beach…. Still sounds weird! The beach of course was wonderful, Holly and I collected shells. I dipped my feet in the water(there is a tagged shark along the coast or something so I’m not going to far in!). We built sand castles(which failed cause the sand is too fine)and just sat enjoying the view. There were of course people at the beach, with this being an Aussie Christmas tradition! Tell you what it is weird as to see people at the beach, dressed in elf costumes, Santa hats, reindeer antlers and even someone as mrs.claus! As if being at the beach on Christmas wasn’t weird enough!

After the beach we headed back home, played with Hollys toys some more, had lunch,relaxed for a bit before prepping for dinner. We had three different dinners! I had a veggie moussaka, Dave had fish(a whole fish, head and all, you could see its teeth! I moved seats to get away from it) and Louise had a proper roast dinner. I made a roast vegetable quinoa salad and Dave made up his own concoction of red cabbage, fennel and apple, which was actually quite nice! Will dinner was in the oven it was time for a quick dip in the pool(cause what else would you do on Christmas?). Then we sat down for dinner, pulled crackers which had no bang(weird things), and had glasses of wine. After dinner we had my white chocolate cheesecakes, which I converted into individual ones so slightly got the recipe wrong but I put in more white chocolate so they are still good!

After dinner there was not much time for relaxing! After a cleanup it was time for the Skype sessions to begin! After skyping was complete it was time to relax in front of crappy Christmas tv, eating Quality street(which aren’t the same, the toffee penny’s are just completely melted) with a glass of port. I now like port! It tastes kinda like a sweet, but I can’t remember which sweet so feel free to inform me! It was then off to bed after wishing everybody a happy Christmas! We will be having leftovers for a week so nothing is different on that front! Christmas in Australia was an experience, I am not sure how to even compare it to Christmas back home. This Christmas was more relaxing, no visiting six different people, we went to the beach and then just stayed at home. There was no coming home to no electricity like last year! Back home though it feels Christmassy, with Christmas movies snuggled up in your fluffy pjs in front of the fire! Here, for one thing there is no fire! If you wear fluffy pjs you will probably melt! And I have only seen two Christmas movies advertised on the tv!

i enjoyed my Christmas a though, even if it didn’t feel like Christmas!

The eve of Christmas eve


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While everybody is bundled up under blankets, wearing their warmest fluffiness pjs and drinking hot chocolate, I am going around in shorts and swimming in pools. Christmas is a completely different affair in Australia. While everybody does Christmas differently, a hot Christmas is something I just never imagined. On the eve of Christmas Eve, instead of the usual movie marathon, I instead went to Penguin Island! Penguins are Christmassy right?

Today we all went to Penguin Island to see the Penguins. Just of the coast of Rockingham there exists a little island which is a conservation wildlife area, that is the perfect habitat for these penguins. There are no predators I.e. Snakes or dogs, cats or foxes, so it is perfect for the Penguins especially with the abundance of fish right at their doorstep! These penguins are the smallest breed of penguins in the whole world. The look like baby penguins and they are known under three different names. The first being simply little penguins, the second being little blue penguins and the third being fairy penguins. Safe to say holly was happy she got to see fairy penguins!

To start off the day, it was a last-minute decision to go, Holly woke me up to ask me to join them and within an hour we were off(maybe slightly less). We had snacks, water and hats and we were on the way! Rockingham is a LONG car ride away! Cue Holly asking if we are there yet(every five minutes) and her asking if we could pull over in the middle of the freeway so she could pick flowers….. We eventually got there, after an hour of driving and 1235 of “are we there yet?”. We bought are tickets for the ferry which would be leaving at 11. The ferry lasted all of two minutes, of which Jamie cried for 1 minute and 49 seconds(his first time on a boat, poor  thing). There is a sand bar there, but apparently two people got pulled out to sea and drowned so it is no longer advised.

We were going to see the Penguins get fed at half twelve so as everybody was starving we sat down so holly and Jamie could eat their lunch(the silly adults didn’t pack anything for themselves). Jamie spent more time charming the seagulls around this picnic area that overlooked the beach. I walked along the beach but not for long as the sand was very hot! Holly went in for a little bit of a splash and before we knew it, the penguin feeding time was upon us.

while we were waiting for holly and Louise(holly currently splashing in the water) a HUGE group of school kids came. Of course the chose to sit down beside the tree that was located right by our picnic  table. I am talking this tree was barely a foot away from where I was sitting. I had random kids sitting right on top of my leg, one decided to just stand in front of Dave for no apparent reason. My worst nightmare! After a few minutes or whatever(they did all leave but they came back again) a lady came out and collected them for the feeding time. Dave got all excited and was like yes take them away. That was until I pointed out that they were going to be in the same time feeding as us… Yay……. Not!

They were actually well-behaved in there though so it was ok! After the show we headed back to get the ferry. Attempted to distract Jamie with diggers Dave ended up having to show him pictures on the phone to distract him. But we made it back to the other side in one piece! We were currently in the timeframe where Jamie has his nap. So we all got in the car to go have lunch in Rockingham town. We had to change plans when Jamie just conked out as soon as we set off though. We came home got a quick bite to eat and then prepared to go next door for dinner!

Louise made a sticky date pudding with toffee sauce(yum!!) and we headed in when it was in the process of cooling down. Dave volunteered to stay back as some of the sauce had to poured over after it had cooled, but it was just out of the oven. He emerged after over an hour where he told us he had gone for a quick swim and read some of his book first. Had some peace and quiet for himself! We had a barbecue next door with salads etc. One was a cauliflower rice one! Was nice!

Having a barbecue two days before Christmas is a weird concept for me, yet that is the lifestyle over here! I still haven’t decided which one I prefer! While I prefer the heat, it just doesn’t feel like Christmas! I think I like to snuggle in front of the fire watching movies etc. Here we go into the instead pool to cool down. Christmas is in two days. I have my presents got and wrapped all that I have to do is make dessert tomorrow for Christmas day and I am set. I think christmas dinner will be weird. All different salads etc, I can only imagine having salad back home you would freeze!

anyway that is it for me for today! I will post about Christmas in the land down under soon(it has to happen first obviously) until then!

I’m alive!


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So I haven’t post anything in a while, I know what your thinking well duh. This shall be a quick post documenting what I have been doing. Truth is I haven’t been up to much, summer is treating me well! I spend most days reading, sitting out by the pool, in the pool or playing with Holly and Jamie.

I haven’t done a post as I figure all of you are feeling your butts of at home and don’t want to give you more of a reason to be super jealous. As I sit here drinking my homemade cinnamon coffee(not as nice as the one I bought but it will do the job), I figured I should do a post so everybody knows I’m still alive!

I’m alive!

Anyway, yesterday reached the hottest temperature so far this summer of 39 degrees! Pure bliss! Well ish! I of course left Christmas shopping to the last-minute, even though I got Hollys about a month ago I have been slacking ever since! So yesterday was the designated day to go shopping, I needed something from the Fremantle markets so couldn’t do it sooner. The markets are only on Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Now I have been looking for a necklace at one of the stalls for a couple of months now, to no success. Until yesterday that is! Finally I got my hands on this elusive necklace so I was content. I also invested in a beautiful picture that I had my eye on and just my luck was on sale! So I of course bought it! Was happy out, got my shopping done.

Now, I did a pit stop for lunch. I was trying to get home quick to FaceTime Victoria as she finally is back to technology. Her mom dropped her phone in the toilet(long story) and as a result we couldn’t really talkcause Facebook always crashes on me and she couldn’t do Apple messaging. She also lost six months of her photos due to that incident but luckily Apple could recover five of the months so she didn’t lose all her pictures from Australia and Europe! Anyway of course when she gets anew phone and we can talk, I have to do shopping! I didn’t get back in time but we have rescheduled so we shall be able to converse soon!

I have had a couple of babysitting jobs the past two/three weeks, so that was good. Jamie has started to say words, Holly has got very attached to me and asked me to bring her to the park every day for the past week. Jamie has been sick so Louise has been busy minding him so we couldn’t go out and do much. One of the days we brought lunch down and had a little picnic for ourselves. Holly was delighted of course because she got to have a treat(in the shape of a smarties biscuit).

I nearly melted on the walk back from the markets! I did find pretty flowers though! I decided to sit out the back on a blanket reading my book, to avail of as much sunshine and possibly go a shade less paler! No such luck of course! I was out for half an hour, during this time however the blanket had heated up so much I couldn’t move from the position I was sitting in for fear of third degree burns! I rolled over to lie down on my stomach and had to jump off with the heat! I retreated back into the house in a pool of sweat and just lay on the couch instead.

Hmmmm, I think that is about all I have to say! Everybody has left the Australia, they were all travelling around before. maybrit was the last to leave, she left yesterday. We already have plans to visit each other in August. Feels weird now that I know everybody has gone!

We spent the morning at Hillarys, enjoying the heat at nine before it got too hot. You won’t believe me but all week I have been getting up between 7-8:30, with days I’m awake at six! I know I don’t believe it either! Anyway that’s it from me! Not much to say when all I have been doing is attempting to get less pale.(a plan that is not working) until the next post to inform you all that I am alive!

First day in Fremantle.


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ok so technically it’s not my first day in Fremantle, obviously considering I have been attending college there the past four or five months. No the title of this blog refers to my first day back in Fremantle with everybody gone home. I know sad face! But I figured my first day back in Fremantle since everybody went home, is slightly too long of a title so you are stuck with this one!

So today I went into Fremantle to bum off of the unis wifi, of course I mean limited wifi is a nightmare! I also was trying to be good and get TWD episodes for my aunt(see I’m nice). First off I had to get the dreaded train! Trains for me are very unreliable, I mean the are cancelled, replacement buses, broken or I miss one and have to wait thirty minutes for the next one! Anyway me and trains don’t have a good relationship! Every month a poster is out up showing when the train will be done, where it will be done and from what times etc etc. Surprise surprise there is no poster for this month as they are not doing works on the train this month….. Of course not I mean now that college and schools are finished or finishing up why would they do work on the trains…. Anyway typical when I don’t need the trains, they are working!

After a surprisingly quick train journey, I managed to get express trains as I caught the train early(before nine as a matter of fact! I Am rigor mortus no more!) Anyway I got in early as Holly had a school concert at two that I was going to try to make it to. I arrived in college just after half nine, ready to begin this list of things I had to do! I had to walk by the accomadation to get to the library and it was weird knowing that everybody has gone!

Firstly my laptop decided to not respond to the wifi, cue panic at them cancelling my student number etc etc. turns out it was my laptop itself. So I had to follow instructions to reconnect my laptop which luckily I kept in my laptop bag! This took slightly longer than it should have as I kept putting in the wrong things in the wrong places…….. I am obviously a genius at technology!

Connected at last I began my work. Well that is I tried for an hour to do work but in the end what I needed to use is blocked on the unis wifi. I thought it was my laptop playing up again so spent ages trying to fix it when it was actually blocked so yea I was not successful in the getting of TWD…….

I then met up with Steph and Lindsley for lunch. Was weird meeting up and no Victoria! After my secret menu burrito(knowing the owners has its perks) I set off to get something in the chemist and then head for the train. All I needed was toothpaste, but this is a discount chemist so stuff is super cheap for Aussie prices! I had to walk all around the shop trying to find the toothpaste(it ended up being hidden across from the razors, weird). As I was walking I noticed huge boxes of painkillers, I am talking huge! Here, you can get boxes of 20, 40, 50, 60 and even up to 100!!! Apparently Australia, or at least Western Australia doesn’t have the law where you are only allowed the twenty! I got my toothpaste(with a complimentary toothbrush and special toothpick all for the low price of 2.99$, usually it is $6. Thank you discount chemist!

I ended up rushing to the train managed to make it in time to see Hollys concert! ,my brain was fried though and I forgot louise was going to pick me up and ended up walking half way home…… Holly’s concert was good they sand three Christmas songs and then did three songs that they just learned in class. One of these songs was a French Disco song, a song, sang in French that made you do disco moves. Holly was of course super cute, Louise has videos of her singing so bug her for those! There was a little boy in Hollys class that got super into the dancing, was so adorable he was the smallest in the class and was just so funny!

We then collected Jamie from daycare and came home where I am now writing this. Didn’t really do much today but still keeping you all updated!! Until next time✌️

Storms, storms everywhere


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So I may have said that I would do a post about random memories but first a comment on the hormonal Australian weather! It is now summer in the wonderful land of Oz, summer that usually equates to a shortness of water due to the complete lack of rain over these few months. Yesterday it was meant to get up to thirty-six degrees! I am not sure if it in fact reached this but it was pretty darn hot! I am currently writing this post during a storm……. You read right, a storm, full on thunder and lightning and of course rain…. It is currently 3:30, and the thunder has been going on all day since 12:30. I know this as Louise had just put Jamie down to sleep. Jamie does not like thunder, or wind or even rain for that matter so he got thirty minutes of sleep before the thunder kicked in! Apparently there is never usually rain this late, the lake in caring open space apparently is usually much lower, due to the lack of rain etc. this lake is currently full….. I swear I had nothing to do with it, but I think rain likes to follow me everywhere! Louise is currently out at a friend’s house where holly and Jamie are getting dinner, I am dog watch cause poor Riley does not like the thunder! He has taken it upon himself to follow me around the house, poor thing. So yea that is all for me really, storms all day, plenty of rain that’s about it! This is more of a buffer post as I think I bombarded you with long posts, so here is a nice little short one. This storm is reminding me of Rottnest, at least for this one I am in the safety of the house instead of half way around an Island on a bike! Until next time✌️oh also apparently there is a storm for not only the rest of the day but tomorrow also! Wish me luck! Wow a super loud thunder just happened there and I swear Riley is hyperventilating! How do I let a dog know it’s ok, that the storm will not harm him? I think he is purposely drooling on my feet and skirt to make himself feel better!

Summer break so far


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So I have now been on summer break or holidays for around four days now. I am currently on my sixth or seven book. This is not unusual for me what can I say I like to read! I have so far done nothing apart from read and play with my little cousins, Holly and Jamie. Don’t get me wrong, I have specifically set aside this time to do nothing! I originally was meant to be planning to go to New Zealand in about a week but alas flight prices went up 300€ so I decided against that. Smart choice I reckon, I instead might look to go when it’s not summer and therefore prices shouldn’t be so expensive! That’s my theory at the moment if not I shall look to Sydney as I don’t think I can stay here for a year and not justify exploring further than Perth!

I have been surprisingly good and not fallen into my old riger days(yes I am referring to riger mortis) I have been getting up usually before nine if not slightly before, this all  means nothing to you of course. Let’s just say I am known for staying in bed until 12…… Anyway today I was sitting out by the pool, reading a book(my fifth book I have since started another) when Louise invited me to go for coffee down at the beach. I accepted as weird as it is I actually like the beach here! I mean the views and to actually sit on the sand! I think Louise is worried about me know that everyone has left! It’s weird though I mean I don’t miss them, not yet at least! It just feels like we have a week off and come Monday I will go into college to see them. I think give it a week when they are all back home and in different time zones so I can’t message them. Then I think I will probably miss them! But as Victoria said it is not a goodbye but a see you later!

Anyway I got sidetracked! Back to coffee at the beach! Me and Louise headed down to the beach to this little cafe place that had lovely views right out over the ocean! It was beautiful! I swear I could live here for the rest of my life and not get tired of that view! We ordered our coffees and managed to nab a window seat at the last second, so we could see out to the ocean. I ordered an iced latte, a proper American iced latte with no ice cream or cream like the Australians have it! We sat down to enjoy our coffees, Louise having never tried iced coffee before wanted to try mine. This would be no problem, unfortunately she tried it before I had put the sugar into it. It looked like she had sucked a lemon! I did warn her, just not quick enough she had already tried some before I managed to get the warning out!

It’s the little things that make you smile! And here it is usually my misfortune! Well today is different, well only semi different. I cheered Victoria up with my misfortune of managing to get a tiny circle of sunburn where I had missed applying sunscreen! Now a few weeks back i.e like one and a half, my back got majorly sunburned, I’m thanking lobster red. Thank god I couldn’t feel it! Anyway Victoria was with me then and warned me to put on more sunscreen, something I promptly forgot to do, thinking I was fine…. Anyway suffice to say I burned! So since then I have been really good applying sunscreen more than once a day! Even today when I was only indirectly out for a little while! Turns out I managed to miss a piece about the size of an Australian fifty cent piece. I swear the sunscreen is just mocking me at this point!!

Anyway this is the end of my short post, just a quick update to tell you all that I am alive and am so far surviving summer! I will probably do a post in a few days documenting a few memories from the past semester! I was reminded of one when I was professing my love for the beach! This memory involves pizza, wine, the beach and of course the dreaded sandy food!! Until next time I will leave you all in suspense. It know this, the sandy food only happens to me not the other three people who were there, just to me, and it is for that reason that I don’t like beaches. I think me and beaches have a love hate relationship, depending on the circumstances! Bye for now!

Final Day Antics


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As you all have possibly guessed from my facebook post everybody has now left to go on their adventures and to return home to their various houses across the world. Going into this study abroad program I did not think of what would happen when people left at the end of the semester. Saying that I did not realise that I would be the only person staying for a year and that everyone would leave me after four months. Four months. Thats all it has been and yet I know I have made some life long friends! Everyone is jealous of me getting to stay here for another semester and of course because I get to experience the Aussie summer! For the first time I felt a twinge of homesickness, yes you heard me right, I felt a little homesick. Now it was brought on by a number of reasons, all of which will be explained so enjoy!

So as it was everybody’s last week the past week I neglected study big time. Victoria stayed over twice, we had Jamie’s birthday party, went on cycle adventures, did random photo sesh’s around Fremantle, made pumpkin pie, played a gagillion games of bananagrams and of course attempted to prepare for goodbyes.

Victoria staying over was fun cheesy wine-fueled movie nights. She eventually introduced me to How to Train your Dragon, both the first and second movie, as well as My Big Fat Greek Wedding. The latter movie she constantly referenced to me and I of course being the uncultured person I am did not understand. But hey now I get the references and every time she forgets or mentions that I am a vegetarian we both say ‘Its ok I’ll make lamb’ in a Greek accent(watch the movie to get the reference). I LOVE TOOTHLESS!!!!!! And I know fully understand Victoria’s obsession with him! I want a Toothless or just a dragon in general! Victoria bought me How to Train your Dragon 2 on DVD as her ‘Im sorry Im leaving present’ so I can watch it when Im feeling sad. I bought her a Toothless figurine thing, which I was supposed to “accidentally forget”. But I was good and she got her ‘See you later’ present. We of course had wine cause what other thing is there to do when you leave an alcohol free dorm? It was an overall good bonding session.

Of course I spent all of my free time in Freo in the lead up to their departure, neglecting the fact that I had three exams to do first. They really should have an extra week to get everything sorted etc but anyway….. I am finally finished exams!! It was a bittersweet moment casue I knew once I was finished exams, everybody would be leaving! We did a bunch of small last-minute things over the week that I won’t bore you with and instead will tell you about our last day.

So it started off ok, I finished my last exam and managed to hopefully scrape a pass! Me and Victoria headed out for our burrito lunch. a Wednesday tradition. We then went to see Mockingjay which just OMG yes. There were changes made of course but I thought the are justifiable changes! I loved it! Now Victoria and I love our movies and have gone to the cinema like eight times since she has been out here. On our final day together we went to see the movie, with Maybrit, Cynthia and Taylor. Now they always play the same ads before the movies, I am talking always! They never change, we both can quote them at this stage! But today they decided to play a different ad. One that was about people returning home, flying, crying and of course the music was an uber sad song…… The ad was for Qantas, the airline company that they are all using to fly home on….. Symbolic much?? Anyway it was then that I felt a twinge of homesickness, cause while I am sad everybody is leaving, they will be home with their families for Christmas and I will be here melting in 40 degree heat. It also doesn’t help that the actress that plays Prim looks deceptively like my little sister Chloe in certain scenes of the movie! It took near five months but hey I finally feel a little homesick!

Anyway after the movie we went to the Fremantle markets and accomplished those last-minute things people had to do. We went out for dinner and enjoyed their final sunset on the beach. We played bananagrams, a surprisingly addictive game which I am fully on the look out for! They did last-minute packing and cleaning out their rooms. They had to empty out their food lockers so I managed to come home with some stuff! The majority of leftover food stuff will be donated to next semester’s group of students.

We then had to commence our goodbyes. I went to meet up with Maybrit and Jin Young to say goodbye to them first and Meg joined me. Now Maybrit and Jin Young have invited me to go to New Zealand so I am contemplating going so we weren’t sure if this was the final goodbye or not. Now at goodbyes I am usually the first person to tear up. I can’t help it I get super emotional at goodbyes! Now Meg and I met Maybrit at P and O and were in the lobby waiting for Jin Young. When Jin got there she was already crying….. this of course set the rest of us off…. we exchanged multiple hugs etc. Noticing the time I realized I had to be making my way to get the train(well the bus technically as train lines were down big shock) and I still had to do my final goodbyes at Cleos. Leaving Maybrit, Meg and Jin Young, I made my way back to Cleos with only a mild case of the sniffles.

Nicole tried to cheer me up with sparklers which worked for a little while. Now my plan was to say goodbye at Cleos walk to the train station by myself, risky I know but I needed that time ti compose myself before getting on to the bus. Upon saying goodbyes to everyone more tears were exchanged and promises made for Skype sessions. Victoria said I had no choice that she was walking me to the train station to make sure I got there safe. Cynthia and Christen  also volunteered, safe to say I was probably a wreck on the bus! Now I did cheer up a bit because of course Victoria tripped and creamed herself on the two-minute walk to the train station so that cheered me up a little and got us to laugh!

Now the Fremantle train is down all weekend so we have to get buses instead. That’s fine, I can live with that! The train was supposed to leave at 11:01 and at the time it was 10:55 so we figured we had time to say more goodbyes instead of me just hopping onto the bus. We were then in the process of giving more hugs when some(insert expletive here) that worked for the train people to show them to the bus, decided it would be a good time to pipe up and tell us to hurry up and ‘any time tonight would be great girls’. Now just picture this four girls all teary, two majorly crying embracing in hugs and she decides it would be a good thing to say this? She is lucky it is illegal to hit someone or I swear I would have! Cue me and Victoria feigning to be all ghetto to each other going ‘awwwww dat’s it hold my sh*t gurrrl Imma mess hur up’ etc etc. Hey it cheered us up so I could get on the bus not crying! I was on the bus for over three minutes before it left so I don’t understand why she was so prissy considering Victoria explained our situation to her!  Anyway, Christen and Victoria cheered me up by doing funny faces etc through the window and we then started to be overly dramatic recreating the movie scenes etc, so we had a little fun.

I returned home after midnight and promptly went to bed, Victoria decided to message me for a while, ignoring the fact that she had to get a taxi at seven o clock the next morning. That’s friendship, interrupting your sleep to make sure your friend got home safe! As we said it is not a goodbye but a see you later! I told her even if she ignores me for the next six months I am going to still randomly show up on her doorstep and be like heeeeeeeey did ya miss me? 😛

The best thing about our goodbyes etc, I have to do it all over again next semester……… Wish me luck guys because I am going to need it.

Cycle Adventure


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Ok so today I was in Freo as the Study Abroad office was doing a Farewell lunch for us all. I figured I would spend the day in Freo just hanging around and doing whatever, just spending time with all the people before the leave!Lunch was good apart from there were so many of us that the people forgot to serve our table, so any food we got was stolen from other people’s tables! I mean we were all sitting beside each other on six long tables, I don’t think it’s that hard to look and see oh hey this table has no food! I mean I will give them that it would have been hard to feed all of us, I’m guessing we number near a hundred give or take. Buuuuut this is a restaurant so surely they would be used to doing things like this!! I mean heck we would have waited for you to have made more pasta or whatever, I mean it beats the remnants of cold pasta from other peoples tables! But anyway otherwise it was a good lunch, got to see everyone again and such!

After lunch I hung out with Maybrit and Jin Young for a bit, then Maybrit thought we were wasting the good day as we were just sitting inside and talking. So she came up with the brilliant idea of getting the free rental bikes and exploring past South Beach. South Beach being the furthest south from Freo we have went. We thought this was a good idea, well me and Victoria did, Jin Young is too small for the bikes so she was out. We set off to get this bikes and within ten minutes we were off. I say within ten minutes cause we had to adjust the seats and such.

The have super good bike paths in Perth, I am talking super good, they are separate from the road so you don’t run the risk of being smushed etc. Now the problem with certain sections of these bike paths is people. People everywhere! Now we have bells on the bikes, apart from Maybrits whose bell was broken… When you ring the bell that is the signal to the pedestrians to MOVE otherwise you will get ran over by a bike! For some reason these people refused to move, some seven year old nearly got ran over by Victoria because he decided to keep walking instead of stopping beside his parents! His grandmother grabbed him and pulled him back as Victoria was shouting ‘Move little kid or your gonna get creamed’. We continued on our journey, the majority of which was going beside beautiful views of the ocean and beaches. We went past South Beach and continued on, went through a grove of trees that looked like they were straight out of sleeping beauty and kept on going until we ran out of bike path. This posed a dilemma, we decided to be brave and continue on up a little bit further because we could see the abandoned power plant and Maybrit(the photographer) wanted to see if she could get some cool pictures.

We continued on and we soon discovered that there were three different fences around this place so we couldn’t get in! We decided to cycle around it to see if we could get a good shot. It was then that Maybrit discovered that two of the fences didn’t exist around this side so we decided to investigate. We could see people up further so we thought it was all good to go up. Walking up it was so quiet and all we could hear was the echo of the magpies flying around in the building. Literally it felt like we were in the start of a Supernatural episode, which is bad cause Dean is afraid of flying! Anyway armed with nothing but our camera’s and our flip flops we marched on. That is until we came to the huge fence that prevents us from actual entering the building.

A couple of dozen pictures later we were on our way back to the bikes, feeling proud that we had managed to outwit the fence and get up close to the building. We then decided to head back as one of the beaches that we had passed looked super pretty and we wanted to investigate. Cycling back it was a lot closer than we remembered and there was a sign that read ‘CAUTION Shipwreck may be submerged and cause injury’. At first we were like oh its super far out in the water so its a warning to all the swimmers. NO IT WAS RIGHT ON THE BEACH. Sorry I just got super excited right then. I am talking were the waves hit the beach that is where this shipwreck was, with some pieces spaced out around the beach stuck in the sand. It was so cool! I actually got pictures and this time I am actually in them!! This beach also seemed to have a collection of all the pretty seashells! So off we went picking seashells and I will say I got some pretty ones!(Don’t worry I stayed clear of conical ones that may be hiding a poisonous being). We decided to head back and stop for ice cream at this place that we passed twenty minutes from where we got the bikes.

So we started upon the last leg of our adventure, with Victoria playing music and Maybrit trying to talk me into going to New Zealand with her. We were just coming up to the cafe when Victoria decided to fall off the bike…. I thought for once we were going to make it without injury but alas this was not to happen. She is ok though just a scrape on her elbow and such. Luckily it was right outside the cafe so she could sit and rest, as well as provide amusement for all those who seen her face-plant the ground! Me and Maybrit decided we would get smoothies instead of ice cream so after ordering and receiving our smoothies we both sat down beside Victoria. It was then that Victoria told us we had 25 minutes until we had to return the bikes. It also takes twenty minutes to cycle there! There was no way we could drink the smoothies in five minutes so we decided to cycle slowly and just hold on to our smoothies. It was then that I discovered a perfect gap that fit the cup perfectly so it wouldn’t fall!! GENIUS! Cycling back was uneventful, we didn’t run into any pedestrians or lose our smoothies! We did bump into people from Cleos out for a jog but that was it.

Upon returning the bikes it was a quick run to Coles to pick up something for Louise and I was on the next train home. Victoria needed time to rest and recover and my feet were sore because flipflops are not proper attire for cycling, neither is a skirt which is what I was wearing but hey its a maxi skirt and I put on tights!

Its Jamie’s birthday party tomorrow! He is going to be two! I have made Nutella cheesecakes for the occasion and I am also in charge of the balloons! Speaking of which I possibly should get to blowing them up! Wish me luck guys! Oh I also forgot to mention that I have exams Monday and Tuesday so YAY for no study……



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Ok so about a week and a half ago maybe two weeks I answered an advertisement to deliver leaflets in Carine. The suburb which I am currently residing in. Now I did this as come on who doesn’t want some extra cash and also all the people from Cleo’s were going to away on a retreat so I figured I might as well do something productive while they were gone. Now a guy was supposed to come to the house on Monday, it was arranged on Friday or something, maybe Sunday I can’t remember. Anyway he was supposed to come on Monday give me the stuff and away I would go…

This didn’t happen. Yes the guy showed up, but all he gave me was like rules of what I had to do and the walk in which I would be delivering the pamphlets. He told me that I had to sign this form and email it to him. Grand I could do that simples! Thinking he was now going to give me the leaflets….. Nope! He then told me that these leaflets would be delivered to me next week(i.e. now this week). I though ok I will be in the middle of exams but I can still do it. Apparently it is only meant to take you two hours to do this walk delivery thing.

Louise called me shortly after I had published my last post, maybe an hour or so afterwards. My leaflets had been delivered! Now when I say leaflets you think small things, single maybe two, three pages right? No apparently these leaflets are full blown catalog’s!! And I thought ok it will be one company? WRONG again! Nope I have to deliver catalog’s from four different companies!! Oh also did I mention that for each company I got three bundles. Each bundle contains maybe a hundred- a hundred and fifty catalog’s……. I was like whaaaaaat???

So I now have to finish studying for my exam in the morning. Sort out each catalog’s into a bunch that contains each four and form a bundle. I then have to somehow carry a gagillion pounds worth of catalog’s a HALF HOUR walk away and deliver them there. Now I thought Carine was like a tiny suburb, with the houses just being on my street etc. Nope I have to go through Carine Open Space(which takes me like 25 minutes to walk around) carrying this heavy load to deliver them into people’s letterboxes.

I am that hateful person who will give you junk mail! And for that I apologise but hey there are some good deals on! So yea…. That is my news for this evening! I would attempt to upload a picture and show you how much was delivered to me but I am crap at technology and I don’t think it works! Remind me and I will post it to Facebook or something!

Wish me look guys! I think I will need it! Hopefully I won’t forget any of these rules I must carry out when delivering these so called ‘leaflets’. Next time I think I will ask exactly what is in store before I sign up for anything! But really leaflets is a bit misleading! Just saying!

*UPDATE* Since I left you I have taken one of my exams yay. I also got another delivery of ‘leaflets’. These catalogs are the same size bundles BUT this time instead of four I now have and extra ten……. You heard it right folks I now have fourteen different catalogs to deliver! In each one there is 269! That means I have to deliver total 3,766 catalogs……. My back is going to be broke! Not to mention it will take me a gagillion trips because I obviously can’t carry that much! Louise gave me a huge bag with wheels that fits enough pamphlets for 45 houses. I also can barely lift it so the bike will be treacherous! Louise volunteered to give me a lift which I have gratefully accepted. But she can’t give me a lift all the time so don’t know what I shall do tomorrow. When all these things have to be delivered and I have to fond time to study……. help?